
Making Sense of Employee Benefits

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PA Health Advocates

Many of the best organizations are founded based on personal events, and PAHA is no exception. Founder and Principal, Joshua Brooker received a big surprise along with the birth of his first child. The insurers double-billed him on the premise his oldest son was born in a different plan year (1/1) than his mother was admitted (12/31). Out of frustration, and lack of advocacy, PAHA was formed. With more than 9 years in the industry, serving the Group, Individual, and Medicare Markets, PAHA is focused on making things much less complicated and advocating for our clients.

When business owners experience problems with their employee benefit program, it’s not uncommon for them to become stressed, frustrated and desperate in their search for answers.  With their chief task of running a successful business, the last thing they should need to worry about is the added hassles of managing employee benefit problems.

Our passion for employee benefits and lengthy record of insurance industry experience provides us with the insight, skills and determination to solve even the most difficult employee benefit dilemmas.  Recognizing that no one approach is the right approach for every situation, our method involves thorough reviews, diligent research and an organized, well thought out, customized strategy.

Backed by a well-trained staff, substantial resources and with a successful track record of professional service and effectively designing employee benefits cost control strategies for several hundred clients, we are prepared to anticipate and resolve even the most difficult employee benefit challenges.

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Insurance and benefits can be complicated, we can help.

Solutions from consulting through management.

A successful employee benefits program requires knowledge, planning, and execution of many components.

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Case Studies on how we help clients like you.

Explore our case studies to see how we are helping clients control costs and increase employee satisfaction.

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Compliance bulletins to simplify complex topics.

Read our health care reform bulletins to gain an understanding on how recent legislation affects your benefits program.

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Case Studies

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When it comes to HR Compliance, unintentional mistakes are bound to happen. Conducting a regular HR compliance audit can help your company avoid correction costs and costly penalties. Regardless of the size of your business, in today’s complex and ever-changing world of HR and benefits compliance, it is becoming extremely difficult to assure you are keeping up with all applicable regulations. Although you may be compliant today, there’s no guarantee that you’ll remain compliant tomorrow.